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Wednesday, November 10, 2010


While I loved learning about all 11 tools, I think Wordle and Blogging are my two favorite.  As a culminating project for our author's study on Eve Bunting, each on my students is going to create a wordle focusing on one of her books.  The kids will need to include words about setting, characters, themes, and major events from the book.  I'm so excited about this project because I feel like it is a great way for the kids to study one of her books and I feel like every child is capable of creating their own.  I can't wait to see what they come up with!

After our author's study, we will begin a novel study on "Number the Stars."  I plan on setting up a blog for all of the kids to respond to after they have done their weekly reading.  Each week they will have a question to focus on and blog about.  This will be my first class blog so I'm very anxious to see how it turns out. 

I feel like 11 tools has transformed my thinking about technology in the classroom.  While I've always loved incorporating technology in the classroom, sometimes I would feel discourage because of the difficulty of the programs available and the time commitment required.  However, now I feel like I have learned about a ton of resources that I didn't know about and that can easily be used in my classroom.

Before beginning 11 tools, I thought this was going to be a good learning experience.  However, this completely surpassed my expectations.  I've learned more than I ever thought I would.  I can't wait to get out there and start applying my knowledge in the classroom!!  

1 comment:

Karen said...

The blog will be an issue. We need to talk!